
had better not用法、better not意思、i'd better用法在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

had better not用法關鍵字相關的推薦文章

had better not用法在Had better not - 英文資訊交流網的討論與評價

You had better not tell Linda about her husband's cheating on her – she'll go crazy! (你最好別把她先生出軌的事情告訴琳達- 她會抓狂的!) ...

had better not用法在”had better“ 正確用法是?是助動詞嗎?(含例句) - 英文庫的討論與評價

Hey!歡迎來到文法庫。今天我們來看看had better 的用法! had 可以跟better 形成片語,意思是「最好…..」。⚠️ 這時的had 跟「有」、過去式都是沒有關係的喔(搖 ...

had better not用法在關於had better not用法 - 語言板 | Dcard的討論與評價

我有一個問題有點困惑想請教個各位是,Had better not後面請問為什麼後面不用加to?我不是很了解better這個單字在這裡的詞性,請問better在這裡是當作 ...

had better not用法在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

    had better not用法在had better 用法, 例句, 詳解 - 官方英文測驗題庫中心的討論與評價

    The boy felt he better go before the fight started. (《英漢辭海》) 這孩子覺得他最好在打架前走開。 · You better not do it. (《英漢辭海》) 你最好不 ...

    had better not用法在[英文寫作加分句型] had better 和would rather 的用法, blog ...的討論與評價

    其實had better 連用,是助動詞,所以後面用原形動詞。had better 的否定為had better not,要避免寫出下面的句子:. ☒ You hadn't better do it, if you ...

    had better not用法在had better/best+原V=最好做某事 - Funday的討論與評價

    had better 用來表達對某種狀況提出的「建議」。另外had better的用法後面一律接原形動詞。這裡要特別注意的是,had 雖然是have的過去式,但had better是用來表示對當下 ...

    had better not用法在詞組天天練|You had better 的用法 - 每日頭條的討論與評價

    2018年1月8日 — You 'd better not leave for Shanghai tomorrow.你最好明天不要離開上海。 最後,提醒大家had better句型是一種對別人的勸告和建議,絕對不適合對長輩、 ...

    had better not用法在你真的知道「had better」的正確用法嗎?小心!你可能用錯了!的討論與評價

    You'd better be careful. 中文:外面非常冷,你最好要小心。 英文:You'd better go to the doctor. ... 說這句話的人帶有著擔心或是警告對方會發生意外的 ...

    had better not用法在Grammar∣had better - 筆記本的討論與評價

    如:不能說:You hadn't better go.而應該說:You had better not go. 5、在祈使句中,had有時可以省略。如: Better not wait for them.最好不要 ...

    had better not用法在最好不做某事是had better not - 優幫助的討論與評價

    had better 後面必須跟動詞原形。had better後跟動詞原形(即不帶to的不定式),構成had better do sth.句型。用法示例如下:. 1、 ...

    had better not用法的PTT 評價、討論一次看
